General Availability

The General Availability dashboard allows users to quickly view each room type's occupancy for a selected date range. The Property Manager can use the dashboard to view a bottom-line calculation for room types and availability.

Perform the following steps to view the General Availability dashboard:

Navigate to Dashboard à General Availability. The Availability page is displayed.

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Refer to the following table and fill in the fields to view the availability status:




Select the radio button to view the total number of reservations that were in house for the selected date range.


Select the radio button to view the total number of rooms for a room type that have not yet been sold.


Select the required date range from the calendar to view the availability of the rooms in the property. The default number of days in the date range is 14.


The number of nights to view the availability of the property.


Displays the percentage of available rooms that are currently occupied.

Average Daily Rate (ADR)

Displays the overall average room rate. This includes all room types.

Total Revenue

Displays the sum of transient and group rates for realized and unrealized reservations.


Displays the minimum number of rooms available for the selected date range.

  • Available - The total number of rooms for a room type.

  • Committed - The total number of occupied rooms for a selected date range. Generally used for present and future dates.

  • Hold - The total number of rooms that are marked Do Not Sell (DNS).

  • Room_Total - The total number of rooms on the property.

  • Arrivals - The total number of arrivals.

  • Departures - The total number of departures

  • Cancels - The total number of cancelled reservations.

  • No Shows - The total number of guests who had guaranteed reservations but have not cancelled or arrived at the property.

  • OOO/OTM - The total number of rooms that are Out of Order (OOO) and/or Off the Market (OTM).

Group Bedded Rooms Remaining

Displays the total number of remaining group blocks with beds.

Group Non Bedded Rooms Remaining

Displays the total number of remaining group blocks without beds.

Guest Numbers

Displays the total number of guests categorized to adults and children.

Run of House Available

Displays the total number of available room types that are sold together as a virtual room type.

Room Types Available

Displays the total number of reservations made for a specific room type.

Non Bedded Rooms Available

Displays the total number of non-bedded room available for booking.

Click Apply.

Click Export to export the availability details into the excel sheet.